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Outsource Passport Renewal To Us

Don't make a wasted trip to the Embassies with your Domestic Helper just because you didn't obtain certain forms or complete certain documentations. Let us show you why so many Domestic Employers have tasked us to help them save time, hassle, and effort to get this done efficiently. We are experienced in the process and know exactly what the respective embassies requirements are so you don't have to worry about it.

What does our MAID’S PASSPORT RENEWAL Service include? 

Ensure ALL necessary documents are well-prepared

Booking of Earliest Appointment with the Respective Embassy

End-to-End Transportation for Helper

Assist Helper Throughout Each Embassy Appointment

We will liaise with the Domestic Employer to inform and check through ALL necessary documentations are intact for their Domestic Helper’s Passport Renewal. This is to ensure that their Domestic Helper is well-prepared before her appointment.

We will do the necessary appointment booking with the Indonesian or Philippines Embassy, depending on the nationality of your Domestic Helper.

  • Pick up Maid from Employer’s House to the Indonesian or Philippines Embassy, for the submission of Maid's Passport Renewal documents

  • Send back Maid from the Indonesian or Philippines Embassy to Employer’s House after submission of Maid’s documents

  • Pick up Maid from Employer’s House to the Indonesian or Philippines Embassy for the collection of her new passport

  • Send back Maid from the Indonesian or Philippines Embassy to Employer’s House after collection of her new passport

On the day of each appointment, we will also assist to wait with your helper all the way till the process of her appointment is completed. 

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